This year the ECM North End branch celebrated Madiba Day by embracing the act of giving and spent their 67 minutes at Isithembiso Babies Home. Isithembiso Babies Home provides a place of safety for children ages 0 – 3 years old who have been abandoned, abused or neglected. They nurture, love and help develop the physical, emotional and cognitive abilities while working hand-in-hand with social services to place each precious child with a foster or adoptive home or reunite them with their families.
To end off our day, the ECM team decided to show their unification and support for Madiba Day by forming a human chain in front of the ECM North End Branch along Grahamstown Road, North End, to illustrate to passersby that it only takes 67 seconds of unification to potentially start an epidemic of change, “Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world – Nelson Mandela” develop the physical, emotional and cognitive abilities while working hand-in-hand with social services to place each precious child with a foster or adoptive home or reunite them with their families develop the physical, emotional and cognitive abilities while working hand-in-hand with social services to place each precious child with a foster or adoptive home or reunite them with their families.