After a first taste in 2011 when we entered one team, the Eastern Cape Motor Group entered two teams from Nissan Eastern Cape under the leadership of Puna “the Bullet” Barnard, two individuals from Volvo, Vanessa & Rob & 3 teams from the ever game North End branch.
The young guns from service Christo, Solly & Francois klapped the sales team, Brandon, Sean & Clive and phenomenal fun was had by all.
Eastern Cape Motors North End also entered a competitive team, the Power Rangers to celebrate the launch of the fantastic new class leading Ranger.
This team ‘driven’ by Wesley the cycle, Chris the swim & Vuso the run, absolutely blew the competition away!
We were all more than a little disappointed when on the back of the fantastic effort of Chris & Wesley who powered the team into the lead, the marshalls at the entrance to Kings Beach weren’t ready for their extreme pace & allowed Vuso to take the wrong route. This unfortunately enabled the second placed team to sneak past us while Vuso returned to the correct route & caught up some of the gap to give the Power Rangers from Eastern Cape Motors “the Dark Horses” a very well deserved second place.
In the words of the Terminator “we’ll be back” next year to make good.
Overall a fantastic event, well run, heaps of fun for all the participants & a special “well done” to the huge contingent of co-workers/supporters who loyally & most enthusiastically cheered their teams on.